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Advertise With Us

Advertising Rates

Ads are distributed in our show playbills year round, in full color.

Full page outside back cover (4.5" x 7.5") $400
Full page inside back cover (4.5" x 7.5") $350
Full page inside front cover (4.5" x 7.5") $350
Full page inside program (4.5" x 7.5") $300
Half page inside program (4.5" x 3.5") $175
Quarter page inside program (4.5" x 2") $100

How Many People Will My Ad Reach?

We put on eleven (11) productions every year. Seating capacity is 250 per night.

Our Mainstage productions each have six (6) performances, for a total possible outreach of 1,500 customers per show.

Our Barn Owl productions each have three (3) performances, for a total possible outreach of 750 customers per show.

With six (6) Mainstage and five (5) Barn Owl productions each year, that is a total possible outreach of 12,750 customers.

Who Should I Contact?

We're still working on getting the new website ready. Until this page is updated, email Eric Landuyt at office@playcrafters.com to inquire about a contract or more info.